Anticipation for Deadpool

Deadpool video game pic

Hey readers its Sean here again and I will be sharing my reviews on the up and coming game. Some time this year the Deadpool video game will be rolling out. Deadpool is from Marvel comics. The main character is a mercenary that has a big mouth that likes to trash talk to all his enemies. The character is quiet interesting, funny and enjoyable to watch. Before this game Deadpool has only been a supporting character in the comics but now this game revolves around him. 


So far from what we know, this is the graphics of the actual game play.

As you can see the graphics are quiet stunning and the game play is quite violent and this game would not be recommended to children. This game contains a lot of violent and profanity due to the nature of this character and how his personality was built. 


- great character
- Great graphics
- Funny aspect of the character
- Character knows that he is in a game


- Language (not recommended for children) 

When this game is finally out, I believe that you should get the game because it seems like a very interesting game that would be very enjoyable to play. Thanks for reading and please leave you comments at the bottom of the page and feel free to discuss your views on this game. 

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